Welcome to Ladybug Laboratory!
Hi, I’m Lily, a burnt out gifted kid with too many hobbies, too many ideas, and too much cat hair. My neurotic need to use up even the tiniest pieces of yarn and fabric have led to some wonderful projects, and also a fabulous outlet for my spreadsheets and organizational brain - so many bits to track! Mending, knitting, crochet, quilting, garment making, cross-stitch, spinning, embroidery, felting, it all blends together with so many different moving pieces, and out come the journals and graphs.
I find it truly empowering to mend the unmendable - to take something that was once loved, give it new life, and to celebrate the parts of it that are now “imperfect” and make those the parts that give it meaning. The act of creation is inherently empowering - the flow of artistic expression, the slow joy of making something you want instead of being beholden to the fashions of the time, the dawning realization that you have skills that no one can ever take away from you, and you can do more than you ever thought possible.
In another life, I was a middle school teacher, fostering an environment for 13 year-olds to see their own potential, build community with one another, and begin to take agency over their own lives and futures. I’m still deeply proud of the work that I did, and I think about those kids on a daily basis, but my body simply gave out. Five years and several soul-searches later, you can find me instead on the internet, waxing poetic about the power of joy, community, and creativity as resistance.
I’d love to hear from you! Whether it’s about a niche TTRPG, your latest mending project, how to handle your local school board, or just some organization porn, I am here for it!